Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Set 2: Face Composite

I used the lasso tool to take different pieces from each person's face to put in the composite. Each photo in the set of 5 has red circles around the parts that were put on the center photo. I mostly used the patch tool and a soft eraser. I also used the healing brush tool, the clone stamp, and changed the color balance on some of the facial features. I had a few other photos that I used but it was mainly trial and error. Certain things didn't line up or looked very wrong, proportionately, with the rest of the face. I had each person stand in front of a white screen and shot them all at the same exposure. I tried to make sure they were all facing forward but there was a slight amount of tilt in some faces that wasn't terribly hard to fix with some rotating. I probably could have made the eyebrows blend a little better with the skin and also should have tried a few other eyes. Challenging myself a little more could have been a good idea with different skin tones and genders as the final product has girls with mostly the same skin color with minimal variance. I think the lips and nose were incorporated the best out of all of the features I added. They worked really well with the original face yet still made something seem slightly off.

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